Champion Mayrling Drusilla of Silkbear (with kitten Silkbear Aurora)
Breeder: David Quincy
Owner: Helen Erskine
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Grand Champion Silkbear Vivace
Featured on Animal Planet's "Too Cute" as "Melody"
Breeder/Owner: Helen Erskine
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Champion and Grand Premier Silkbear Starfire
Breeder/Owner: Helen Erskine
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Grand Champion Silkbear Clara Schumann, DM
Breeder: Helen Erskine
Owner: Anne Rossman
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Grand Champion Silkbear Brubeck
Featured in Cat Fancy Magazine
Breeder: Helen Erskine
Owners: Anne-Louise De Voe, Debra Comeans and Judith Bemis
Grand Champion and Regional Winner Silkbear Giselle
Breeder/Owner: Helen Erskine
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Supreme Champion Silkbear Renoir (S. Africa)
Grand Champion Silkbear Renoir (USA)
shown in S.Africa and the United States
Breeder: Helen Erskine
Owner: Penny Steyn
International Grand Champion and Internation Grand Premier Silkbear Monet, DSM shown in Denmark
Breeder: Helen Erskine
Owner: Anne Marie Bjelke
"TOO CUTE" on Animal Planet
Silkbear European Burmese kittens were featured on the Animal Planet
show "Too Cute" in an episode entitled "Musical Kittens".
You can buy Season 4 Episode 7 on Amazon.
There is some very entertaining footage of the kittens,
particularly at the 9 week point. You can watch excerpts
for free on YouTube at
this link.
Grand Champion Silkbear Clara Schumann achieved the title
Distinguished Merit, one of very few European Burmese in the USA
to have achieved this, since she had 5 Grand Champion or Grand Premier
offspring in the US (she also had a son GIP & GIC Silkbear Monet, DSM
in Denmark.)
About Helen
- Member of CFA European Burmese Breed Council
- Board Member of Worldwide European Burmese Society
Helen first fell in love with a little red European Burmese female in
Wales, U.K. Her name was Merrymew Red Jemima and she
and her three little boys from Grand Champion Silkpaws Cream Cougar ran
the household delightfully.
Thus it was natural to import another of these
wonderful cats to Helen's home in Los Angeles, California,
Champion Mayrling Drusilla of Silkbear (pet name Lani),
bred by David Quincy in Poole, Dorset.
Her descendants are our pets and breeding queens.
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